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Simulated Phishing: Features & Benefits

CategoryHuman Risk Management
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ByThe CultureAI Team
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The prevalence of a phishing campaign underscores how imperative it is for businesses to proactively educate their workforce. A simulated phishing test serves as a powerful tool to assess employee reactions to potential attacks, pinpoint vulnerabilities in their behaviour, and deliver targeted training to reinforce their awareness and resilience against increasingly sophisticated phishing threats.


A simulated phishing attack is designed to replicate real-world phishing attempts in a controlled environment. This allows businesses to test how their employees react to these types of attacks and identify areas where they need to improve their cyber security awareness. The process typically involves sending a fake phishing email to employees and tracking their response.

Simulated phishing attacks can be customised to fit the specific needs of a business. For example, businesses can choose to use different types of phishing emails, such as those that contain malicious links or attachments or those that use social engineering tactics to trick people. The emails can be tailored to look like they come from a trusted source, such as a bank or a senior executive within the company. This helps to make the attack simulation training as realistic as possible and gives employees a better understanding of what a real phishing attack may look like.

Once the email has been sent out, businesses can track how employees respond. This includes tracking who clicked on links or opened attachments, who provided sensitive information, and who reported the email as suspicious. This information can be used to identify areas where employees need additional awareness training or education.

These attacks can be conducted on a regular basis to help reinforce cyber security awareness within the organisation. This can help to reduce the risk of successful phishing attacks and improve overall cybersecurity posture. By conducting these simulation campaigns regularly, businesses can stay on top of the latest phishing tactics and ensure that their employees are equipped to identify and respond appropriately to these types of attacks.


The primary objective of phishing simulations is to educate employees about phishing attack risks and equip them with the skills and knowledge to identify and react effectively to such threats. By utilising simulated phishing attacks, businesses can uncover their employees' vulnerabilities to phishing attempts and deliver targeted training to enhance their cyber security awareness.

Phishing simulations also serve to assess the effectiveness of existing security measures, such as spam filters and firewalls. By scrutinising these controls within a simulated scenario, businesses can detect any weaknesses and address them before a genuine attack transpires.

Another crucial aim of phishing simulations is to promote cyber security awareness across the organisation. By involving all employees in these exercises, businesses can cultivate a culture of cybersecurity vigilance and inspire employees to take an active part in safeguarding the organisation from cyber threats.

In essence, phishing simulations strive to help businesses mitigate the risks of successful phishing attacks and bolster their overall cybersecurity stance. By empowering people with the necessary knowledge and skills to identify and counteract these threats, businesses can significantly diminish the impact of cyber threats on their organisation.


Automated phishing simulation solutions offer an efficient service for businesses seeking to enhance their employees' cyber security awareness. By enabling companies to run regular simulated phishing attacks and monitor staff responses, this software helps identify areas requiring improvement. Several essential features make automated phishing simulation software appealing to businesses of all sizes.

Intelligent Phishing Frequencies

Automated phishing simulations enable businesses to implement adaptive phishing frequencies. This feature sends phishing emails at varying intervals based on factors such as employee risk scores and past responses to phishing attempts. By maintaining a dynamic schedule for these simulated attacks, employees remain vigilant and consistently aware of potential phishing threats.

To ensure the highest level of adaptability, businesses can adjust the frequency of these simulated attacks based on the learning curve observed in employees. This results in a more personalised and engaging experience, ultimately improving the overall effectiveness of cybersecurity training.

Continuously Updated Templates

Automated phishing simulation services provide a selection of customisable, pre-built templates that are continuously updated to reflect current phishing tactics. By staying up-to-date with the latest trends and techniques used by cybercriminals, these templates ensure employees are tested on the most relevant and emerging threats.

This feature allows businesses to expose their employees to a wide range of phishing scenarios, including spear-phishing, whaling, and business email compromise (BEC) attacks. By simulating real-world attacks, employees gain a better understanding of the various tactics employed by cybercriminals, enabling them to identify and respond to genuine phishing attempts more effectively.

Data-Driven Employee Risk Scoring

Using data-driven risk scoring, automated phishing simulation software identifies employees who may be more susceptible to phishing attacks. This approach considers factors like previous responses to phishing attempts, job roles, and access to sensitive information. By concentrating on higher-risk employees, businesses can offer targeted training and education, ultimately improving their cyber security awareness.

Data-driven employee risk scoring can help businesses understand the overall risk profile of their organisation, allowing them to allocate resources effectively and prioritise training initiatives. This targeted approach ensures that employees or an entire team receive the appropriate level of training, resulting in a more efficient use of resources and a better return on investment in cybersecurity training programs.


Automated phishing simulations provide numerous benefits for businesses aiming to enhance their employees' cyber security awareness. Automation streamlines the process, saving time and resources while still delivering improved outcomes.

Achieve A Better Cyber Security Culture

Automated phishing simulations assist businesses in cultivating a strong cybersecurity culture throughout their organisation. Regularly testing employees emphasises the importance of cybersecurity and motivates them to remain vigilant when identifying and responding to phishing attacks. By engaging all levels of the organisation in cybersecurity initiatives, businesses can foster a sense of shared responsibility and accountability for maintaining a secure digital environment.

In addition to raising awareness, a robust cybersecurity culture can help create an environment in which employees feel comfortable to report potential phishing attempts and sharing their experiences. This open communication can contribute to the early detection of threats and enhance the overall resilience of the organisation against cyberattacks.

Free Up IT Time

Conducting manual phishing simulations can be time-consuming and demand significant resources from IT departments. By automating the process, businesses can free up IT resources to concentrate on other critical tasks, such as implementing security measures, monitoring network activity, and responding to incidents. Automation also reduces the potential for human error in the execution of simulated phishing campaigns, ensuring a consistent and accurate assessment of employee responses.

Prevent Over- or Under-Training

Utilising data-driven risk scoring, companies can deliver targeted training to employees who need it most, preventing over- or under-training of employees already aware of the risks. This targeted approach maximises the effectiveness of training initiatives, resulting in more efficient use of resources and a higher return on investment in cybersecurity education.

Control What Your Employees Receive

Businesses can dictate the type and frequency of phishing emails their employees receive. This ensures that employees are tested on the most relevant threats, allowing businesses to keep pace with emerging phishing tactics. Customisation options include tailoring the content, sender, and format of the malicious emails to better simulate real-world attacks. By exposing employees to a diverse range of phishing scenarios, businesses can better prepare them to recognise and respond to genuine phishing attempts, ultimately strengthening the organisation's overall cybersecurity posture.


At CultureAI, we recognise the significance of cyber security awareness for businesses of all sizes. That's why we've created an automated phishing simulation solution designed to evaluate and enhance employees' cyber security awareness in a straightforward and efficient manner.

Our solution boasts various features that enable businesses to achieve superior results while maximising their resources. Automation allows businesses to save time and concentrate on other vital tasks while still fostering robust cyber security awareness across their organisation.

A key feature of our platform is adaptive phishing frequencies, meaning phishing emails are sent at irregular intervals based on factors like employee risk scores and prior phishing attempt responses. This maintains employee vigilance and constant awareness of phishing threats.

Additionally, our platform incorporates continuously updated templates reflecting the latest phishing strategies. This ensures employees are tested on the most pertinent threats and businesses remain ahead of evolving phishing tactics.

We employ data-driven employee risk scoring to pinpoint employees or teams who may be more susceptible to phishing attacks, considering factors such as past responses to phishing attempts, job roles, and access to sensitive information. By focusing on higher-risk staff members, businesses can deliver targeted security awareness training and education to improve their cyber security awareness.

Our platform also aids businesses in avoiding over- or under-training their employees. By leveraging data-driven risk scoring, companies can offer targeted training to those who need it most while not overloading employees already conscious of the risks.

CultureAI's anti-phishing solution presents businesses with an effortless and effective way to assess and bolster their employees' cyber security awareness. Automation saves time and resources while delivering improved results. With adaptive phishing frequencies, up-to-date templates, data-driven employee risk scoring, and customisable phishing emails, our solution is the ideal method to stay ahead of emerging phishing threats and cultivate a culture of cybersecurity awareness within your organisation.

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